ODYSSEUS VIRTUAL was founded on January 19, 2020 offically launching operations on January 20, 2020. The VA was founded on the principle that we offer a professional and friendly environment without a lot of rules and restrictions. Welcoming members of all experiences Odysseus VA dedicated and friendly staff team is here to help and support you, offering something to all pilots right from a newbie to the seasoned veteran. We are a community of flight simulation enthusiasts that simulate the operations of a fictitious airline company. We base our operations on real world scenarios, but our pilots are free to explore the whole world as we only exist in the fictional virtual world of flight simulation and are not tied to real world airline hubs, fleets or schedules. We enjoy flying offline and on the IVAO flight networks, using Microsoft Flight Simulator , Prepar3d and X-Plane 10 & 11. If you're a pilot that enjoys flying offline in your own virtual world no problem, we do not require our pilots to fly online, but we do encourage you to give it a try! If you're a veteran, or just enjoy flying on the IVAO networks that's awesome, please continue to do so.

  • Our vision at Odysseus Virtual is simply to return enjoyment to your hobby of flight simulation.
  • Our goal is to ensure you have the "BEST" virtual experience possible.
  • As our slogan says "We make your dreams come true“ so please enjoy yourself and have fun!


Our Hardworkers Team

Joel Pretus

CEO & Web Designer


IVAO VID:591007

Carlos A. Alvarez

Funder & Vice President


IVAO VID:602787

Alberto Franca



IVAO VID:611324

Pablo Bazan

Technical Support & Computer Developer


IVAO VID:616824

Luis O. Columbié

ATC Manager Instructor


IVAO VID:624986

Jorge Serpa

Ground Operations Manager


IVAO VID:632077

Miguel Carrero

Advertising Manager


IVAO VID:610895

Michel Ortega

Events Planner Manager


IVAO VID:634386

Enrique Moure



IVAO VID:623042

Our Statistics

Check our Statistics

57 Pilots

976 Schedules

262 Aircrafts

5,570,950 Milles Flows

There have been 0 user(s), and 9 guest(s) online in the past 20 minutes.

There are no pilots online!

ODD99999999 Validador Automatico

ODD2022 Serguei Franca

ODD2021 Ernesto Diaz Conde

Flight Pilot From/To Aircraft V/S
ODD619GuillermoMHLM-MUHA B737-700-214.54 ft/m
ODD540Jose AMMUN-MUHA AN24RV-138.41 ft/m
ODD539Jose AMUHA-MMUN AN24RV-207.62 ft/m
ODD1124Jose AMNMG-MUHA B737-700-180.7 ft/m
ODD618GuillermoMUHA-MHLM B737-700-98.43 ft/m
Pilotindex $/pax/nm
ODD253 0.3158
ODD224 0.2651
Pilotindex $/ton/nm
ODD239 15.3927