ODYSSEUS Virtual Airline is constituted as a non-profit entity, whose exclusive dedication is to simulate the transport of passengers, goods and instruction in a virtual way. The main objective of ODYSSEUS Virtual Airline is of an instructive and educational nature through the use of computer means to develop an enjoyable learning activity that tries to simulate the real world, conscious that this activity is pure fiction, that it does not qualify for real flights and conscious that the only one Way to carry out real flights requires studying in official centers and obtaining the due official certification.
2.1) Fully respect the IVAO and VATSIM Rules.
2.2) Maximum respect is requested among all members of the company, insults, discrimination of any kind, religious belief or political orientation are not allowed.
2.3) It is forbidden to impersonate another person in any of the media, publish passwords or access modes to pages, to users outside the company. That is, users who are not members should not access exclusive content.
2.4) Admission: The administration of ODYSSEUS Virtual Airline will reserve the right of admission of all registrations registered through its website, not being obliged to give explanations regarding the decisions of ODYSSEUS Virtual Airline that are taken in relation to this matter. Likewise, ODYSSEUS Virtual Airline reserves the right to cancel, without prior notice and without explanation, access to those people who are deemed unsuitable for the proper functioning of this community.
2.5) Once accepted, you will receive a welcome email with additional information.
3.1) All members will be obliged to collaborate with the main objective of the company. It is understood as collaboration the realization of flights that are duly reported under callsign ODD (unique identifier of the member, for example "ODD006"; "ODD" is indicative of ODYSSEUS Virtual Airline), participation in events (face-to-face and virtual) carried out by the company or any other way that helps in the general purpose of this company.
3.2) Pilots registered in ODYSSEUS Virtual Airline will fly the routes and with the fleet provided by the company through the reservation system. Only those routes that are not included in our system will be allowed charter flights. The callsign to be used will be the same as the pilot (user).
3.3) The Simacars 1.4.1 is the official ODYSSEUS Virtual Airline tracker, for both scheduled and charter flights and is mandatory for VA pilots.
3.4) The Simacars must be filled out correctly, completing all the flight information: flight plan route (without the SID and STAR), alternate airport, flight time, endurance, TAS and flight level.
4.1) The hours they have accumulated in the online simulation servers (IVAO or VATSIM) will be respected, of which a single server will be admitted, these hours of each individual server cannot be added.
4.2) Once admitted as a pilot of ODYSSEUS Virtual Airline, they will acquire the Rank according to the number of flight hours in IVAO or VATSIM, in the case of not having accumulated flight hours in said simulation networks, the rank of Student Pilot, where he will start his career as a virtual pilot and using the instruction aircraft according to the category.
4.3) The selection of Pilots of the month will be given according to the results in the performance tables by division, one in the passenger operations division and the other in the cargo operations division. Of the latter as long as it has complied with regulation 7.1
5.1) Student Pilot: AN2, C172, PC12
5.2) Private Pilot: D228, E110, F50, PA30, DH8D
5.3) Second Officer: A319, B732, B733, B736, MD83
5.4) First Officer: A320, A321, B722, B737, B738, B753, DC8-71F, MD11
5.5) Captain: A332, A359, B763, B773, B748I, B748F,B789, E45x, FA50.
5.6) Commander: All Fleet
6.1) The flights reported to the VAM must contain all the Tracker fields filled (Route by airways without standard departures or arrivals).
6.2) The validation will be done by any Administrator of the VAM within a period of 24 hours.
6.3) Any pilot report that as a result of the landing exceeds -600 feet per minute which will be considered an accident, flights with non-standard patterns of civil aviation (military reconnaissance) or flights intentionally extended for the accumulation of hours will be canceled. as well as the result of an excess of gassing of fuel or a low level of cargo or passengers of negative results for the company, both for scheduled flights and in the case of charter flights. The details can be seen by clicking on the flight number as well as the callsign of the validating webmaster.
6.4) In the case of charter flights, as it is an aircraft that is rented for a flight, it should not exceed 2 hours as it will automatically generate losses to the company, of which only expenses that do not exceed 15 will be covered. % of Gross Revenue, any negative result in excess will result in the rejection of the pilot's report.
7.1) All pilots must comply with the minimum average of 12 flight hours per month, otherwise they will be disabled for 7 days at the beginning of the next month.
7.2) Any pilot who does not have any flight report in the current month will cause withdrawal from the company. Which, if you wish to enter again at any other time, a total of 50 hours will be deducted from the accumulated hours in IVAO or VATSIM.